Tag: hydration

Fitness Swellness: My Gatorade #KeepSweating progress and the importance of hydration

Gatorade and G2

As you may know, I’ve got a big fitness goal for this fall: qualifying for the Boston Marathon, and to help me, Gatorade has partnered with me to help me work towards that goal during what we’re calling the Summer of Sweat. They’ve provided me with a supply of Gatorade, G2 and Gatorade Protein Shakes for hydration and recovery, plus I’ve joined the Pace & Mind team, so I have help from running coach Rejean Chiasson.

Since officially kicking off this Summer of Sweat program, life has been a whirlwind. I now somehow find myself with less than 40 days until the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon (it’s on October 18, 2015) and I barely felt like I’d officially started training and I’m all of a sudden running the longest distances we will be doing for training. I think I was caught off guard because it took me awhile to decide on a goal race, so while I was maintaining and slowly building distance, mentally, I wasn’t officially in marathon training mode.

It didn’t help that in August, I was home in Toronto for only 11 days. I can manage shorter runs when I’m traveling, I prefer to run my long distances at home. My busy schedule also means that I have yet to make it out to run with my Pace & Mind teammates as a group. I’ve run with one team member and am regularly in contact with Rejean about my training. There’s a lively group chat of some very enthusiastic runners in the group, though, so that’s a new element to my training. The next few weeks are less travel-heavy so, it’s a goal of mine to train with the Pace & Mind team.

Given the hectic pace of August, I managed to maintain a consistent schedule for training, but I have slacked on the speed training, which is precisely what I need to get me to my goal. So I definitely need to focus, work hard and #KeepSweating from now on.

As luck would have it, Toronto was also hit with some extremely hot and humid weather, which made sure I kept sweating. My pace for long runs decreased significantly and I can’t help but find that stressful. I can’t even meet the slowest pace that coach has assigned me but he assured me that the pace he refers to is during ideal conditions (i.e.: when it’s not 38 Celsius outside).

Given the conditions, I’ve had plenty of opportunity to hydrate with Gatorade during my runs. My favourite flavour is Cool Blue, but as it gets closer to my goal race, I’ll likely try to stick more to the Lemon-Lime since that is often served on race courses.

I see so many runners without water and it boggles my mind. Even on a run as short as 5K, I feel parched; on a 32k run last week, I drank two-and-a-half bottles of Gatorade and a one-and-a-half bottles of water, and immediately downed a chocolate Gatorade Protein Shake (which has 20 grams of protein and rings in at 270 calories) as soon as I got home to help with muscle recovery. I always try to be really careful with hydration when I run since I’m not so great at consuming enough fluids from day to day (a habit I still struggle with improving) and I’m a heavy sweater. Like, seriously heavy. I think this is why I dislike sweating so much; I don’t experience just a light glistening of sweat like other girls in my NTC class. I am dripping and my gear is absolutely drenched with sweat.

If you’re not too clear as to how an electrolyte sports drink like Gatorade helps you when you work at high intensity, well, when you sweat, you lose sodium and potassium, Gatorade contains 210 mg of sodium and 55 mL of potassium per 500m to help replace what you sweat out. For more information on the importance of sodium and potassium and the science behind Gatorade, check out www.gatorade.ca

This is why I tend to only drink sports drinks on my long runs (which last for more than one hour), but not so often during my other training runs. My easy runs are a much shorter distance so I can hydrate with water or G2 (I’ll drink the G2, which is lower in calories depending on the intensity of my run and other factors such as the temperature outside.

During a recent 32k run last week that lasted over three hours, based on what I’ve read, it seems I may be on the low end of carb replenishment based on how much Gatorade I consumed, but I also ate several Honey Stinger electrolyte gummies during my run as well. I’ve taken note and will now try to up my intake since I believe I sweat more than the average person.

By the way, when running, it can be easy to fall into a zone and forget to drink so to make sure I hydrate regularly; every two kilometres I take a big sip. (If you run with regular walk breaks, say if you’re running 10s and 1s, use your one-minute break to hydrate.)

With 24 days to go until the Scotiabank Waterfront Toronto Marathon, stay tuned because my next Gatorade #KeepSweating post will be my marathon recap! And in the meanwhile, follow along with my training on Instagram and on Twitter.



Leave a Comment September 23, 2015

Fitness Swellness: My Gatorade Summer of Sweat Goal


Say hello to one of Gatorade’s newest ambassadors! That’s me! Hiiiii!

I’ve been absolutely dying to share this news! I’m beyond thrilled to be one of four athletes (wait, am I an athlete? I think of myself more as just a girl who runs…) across Canada who’s set a Gatorade Summer Sweat Goal and has the sports drink’s support to make it happen!

My goal: to qualify for the Boston Marathon. Although 2014 was a fantastic race year for me, so far 2015 has been a little disappointing. But I’ve been set up with a new coach: I am now training with Pace & Mind (lead by none other than Rejean Chiasson). It will be intense, and I expect it to be hard (I am not fond of speed work…) but I know it’s what I have to do in order to BQ (that’s short for qualifying for Boston, in case you’re confused). I was less than two minutes from qualifying in Chicago last year so I am more determined than ever.

Gatorade is of course also hooking me up with all of the Gatorade I need to hydrate for my training. I train with Gatorade and it has helped me get to where I am in my running “career.” A cold Gatorade during and after a long, hot run? “This is the best thing I’ve ever had,” is usually what I’m thinking as I gulp it down. True story.

I’ve tried other sports drinks but I trust Gatorade because it is backed by 50 years of scientific research. In Canada, the Gatorade Sports Science Institute has been partnered with the University of Guelph for more than a decade exploring nutrition and hydration in hockey through research including athlete testing. And they’ve just launched a Canadain site, www.GSSIweb.org/en-ca, where there’s loads of great resources such as videos of experts discussing fueling for sport and research articles on sports science interviews.

Follow me in my journey as I work towards my Gatorade Summer Sweat Goal here on the blog, on my Instagram, and Twitter! The hashtag is #keepsweating.

Bring on the sweat. I’m ready.



Leave a Comment August 13, 2015

Healthy Swellness: Being “regular” (+ a giveaway to win an #ownthethrone prize!)

The Throne

We all know how important “being regular” is when it comes to our bathroom habits. Even though it’s not a topic we often talk about (except runners, runners talk all the time about their bathroom habits and port-o-potty trips when it comes to running races and our bathroom needs)

But the truth of the matter is that one in four Canadians suffer from constipation. In the Dulcolax Bowel Health Poll, nearly one-third of Canadians find that constipation interferes with their quality of life, and one in seven people feel their bowel movements are inconsistent and more than one in nine have uncomfortable #2s.

(Interesting tidbit: being “regular” with your BMs is different for everyone. One person’s regular might be four times a day, and another person’s regular might be once a day.).

More than one in four Canadians avoid bathroom situations at the office. Hand up if that’s you! I know I’ve talked to people about awkward office and public washroom situations! Although most of us don’t talk about it (only two in five of us would discuss with our partner and the number is even smaller when it comes to chatting bathroom issues with a friend, parent or co-worker—I guess I have an open bunch of friends, haha!).

What can you do to get more regular? Well, maybe try to talk to people about it, your doctor, for one, and your best friend, for example. Your regularity or lack thereof could be an indicator of your health so it’s definitely something you should bring up to your doctor, and as for your BFF, maybe he or she’s been in the same situation, and wouldn’t it be comforting to know that? Also, develop habits that’ll promote regularity: get active, keep well hydrated by drinking water and limiting dehydrating bevvies (that’d be those with alcohol or caffeine), and eating a diet rich in fibre. And, lastly, you don’t have to be uncomfortable and just wait it out. For the occasional bout of feeling blocked up, a product, yes, one such as Dulcolax, can be taken when you hit the sack at night, and the next morning, you’ll be able to go in the comfort of your own bathroom (no need to stress about using that office washroom!).

And jot this down in your calender: on June 18th, there’s a Dulcolax-Best Health Twitter chat from 1 to 2 p.m. EST (with one grand prize and five second prizes to be won). To take part, follow @besthealthmag on Twitter, and the hashtag for the chat is #BHownthethrone. I’ll remind you closer to the date. But in the meanwhile, here’s a fun giveaway I’ve got for you!


A few weeks ago I was at the Toronto Bridal Show with Dulcolax and talking about #ownthethrone. Well, now I’ve got a fun little prize from them to giveaway. The pretty pink box of the #ownthethrone prize, which is valued at $100, is filled with:

  • an #ownthethrone branded T-shirt
  • a water-resistant Bluetooth Shower Speaker
  • a 24-oz. autoseal Grace Water Bottle
  • an Own the Throne Moleskine notebook
  • coupons for Dulcolax

There are three ways you can enter (feel free to enter once in each way):

  1. Email. Email me at healthandswellness@gmail.com with your name and mailing address (the address you’d like the prize to be sent to if you win!). Please put “own the throne” in the email’s subject line.
  2. Twitter: Follow me on Twitter (@healthswellness) and tweet:

I want to #ownthethrone and #win this #giveaway from @healthswellness. http://bit.ly/1cdfISs

  1. Facebook: Like the Health and Swellness page on Facebook (www.facebook.com/healthandswellness), then comment on the photo of the #ownthethrone prize about which part of the prize you’re most excited to win.

The giveaway is open to Canadian residents only and closes at 11:59 EST May 14, 2015. The winner will be chosen at random and notified via the method they’ve won. If the winner does not claim their prize within five days of notification, another winner will be randomly drawn. The winner will be announced on this blog on June 11, 2015.

Good luck!

Leave a Comment May 7, 2015

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