Tag: walking

Jogi: Yoga tools for everybody


Yoga has a bit of a reputation for being an expensive pursuit (if you haven’t read it yet, this 2006 article from the  Atlantic about the commodification of yoga is worth a read)–but it doesn’t have to be. Strike a pose with some tres affordable yoga tools from Jogi.

How affordable? Nothing’s more than $45.

Jogi is from the peeps at Joe Fresh (and btw Jogi is pronounced yogi, in case you were wondering) and the collection of fitness tools go beyond yoga (there’s also tools such as a Cardio Kit ($25)  and Pedometre ($10).

(And while we’re on the topic of affordabilty Passport to Prana is one of the most inexpensive ways to practice in numerous studios–and they keep launching in more and more cities–so be sure to check if it’s available in your neck of the woods).

4 Comments March 2, 2011

Step by step

Here’s a good reason to get a pair of toning shoes (such as the New Balance TrueBalance I gave a test drive) and get walking: taking 10,000 steps daily will help you lose fat, which in turn will help reduce your diabetes risk, says new research published online in the British Medical Journal.

3 Comments January 14, 2011

Gaining “New Balance” in life

I’m a bit tardy on telling you about the New Balance Wellness Challenge (NBWC) I’ve been taking part in. Today’s day 14 of the 30-Day Challenge. So lemme get you up to speed:

The NBWC ties into the company’s launch of their new TrueBalance toning shoe. The shoes have a soft, flexible sole with a spring system design and rounded bottom. Since you’re walking on an unbalanced platform that accentuates both back and forth and side to side motion, you engage your core and muscles in your legs and glutes with each step you take.

I was hoping I could run in them for an added boost to my runs, but the shoes are designed for day-to-day walking.

Anyhoo, back to the NBWC. Every day I am emailed a new challenge from nutrition and wellness coach Victoria Joanna Bailey.

Some examples of the challenges thus far and my results:

Day 1: Eat only fresh food today, nothing canned, frozen, pre-cooked, packaged or prepared. This one was going pretty well–I cook from scratch often–until I got to the grocery store and was starving and scarfed down a Kit Kat.

Day 5: Commit to 30 minutes of movement today. Ran 6k that day. Daily challenge completed!

Day 6: Practice moderation when it comes to what you eat over the Thanksgiving weekend. Failed this one big time–although I did only read the challenge after attending a friend’s turkey dinner. (OK, I probably still would not have been able to resist piling my plate with turkey, mashed potatoes and all the fixins’).

Day 7: Book a laughter date. Saw a girlfriend I can always count on having a good giggle with and we went to see Easy A. I think that counts for bonus points in the Challenge, no?

As you can see I haven’t been overly successful with the daily challenges, but reading them each day has struck a chord–I’ll find myself pondering at times what are five things I’m grateful for (Day 3’s challenge) or choosing yogurt over a muffin at an event breakfast–so they are working as little nudges to live a more healthily and consciously even if I don’t necessarily accomplish them on the day assigned.

I’ll try to tweet or post other interesting challenges in the final two weeks of the NBWC.

Oh, and as the NBWC continues, I’ll give your more updates and honest feedback on the TrueBalance shoes, too.

6 Comments October 18, 2010

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