Tag: fruits

Make healthy food visible and accessible

In CEGEP (that’s like pre-university in Quebec), I ate on a daily basis either poutine, creamy pasta salad, creamy potatoe salad or a giant oatmeal cookie (or a combination thereof).


(and in high school, I often only ate an ice cream sandwich for lunch)

It’s  no wonder I was a bit heavier then. (and perhaps even more amazing I survived after eating such a poor diet regularly)

I blame there being lack of healthy foods prominently visible and accessible. (OK, not really, I’m pretty sure I still would’ve opted for this junk regularly.)

But a  new study published in Environment and Behavior has found that college students (just not me back then!) are more likely to eat fruits and veggies if they’re within arm’s reach. And if fresh fruit is visible, it’ll be eaten more often by them (although the same doesn’t hold true for vegetables).

(I, of course, now have oatmeal cookies on the brain and will need to try this recipe from Lottie and Doof — that’s their pic above btw).

Leave a Comment May 2, 2012

For glowing skin in a jiffy, eat your fruits & veggies

I falter in getting enough veggies in my diet, but appealing to my vain side is one way to make it much more enticing:

Eating  more fruits and veggies can improve your skin tone and give you more glowing skin in just six weeks, says new research from the University of St. Andrews. This is thanks to the carotenoids (those orange-y red pigments) found in fruits and veg.

Visible results in just six weeks says their findings published in the American Journal for Public Health.

Excuse me for a moment, I need to make a trip to the produce aisle right now.

2 Comments March 9, 2012

Eat more fruits & veg, people!

Us Canadians aren’t doing so well when it comes to eating enough fruits and veggies, y’all.

In a Concordia University (my alma mater, woot woot!) study published in the Nutrition Journal adults aged 30 to 60 are not getting enough in their diets. But as a whole, Quebecers are consuming more f&v than the rest of us (maybe La Belle Province will be known for that now, more than being the only place Pepsi outsells Coke?…Nah, probably not).

(and, hey, I’m from Quebec — but I know I could be eating more roughage…didn’t inherit that, I guess, only the poutine-eating habit).

Other findings? Women eat more fruits and veg than men (5.4 x a day versus 4.5 x), which isn’t too surprising, I don’t think. But here’s an interesting one:

People with a weak social network eat less fruits and veg compared to those who have a strong social network.

What’s that all about? The study doesn’t say. But seems win-win, more friends and socializing and you eat healthier overall going hand in hand? Sounds like a plan.

2 Comments January 12, 2012

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