Tag: fit

Fitness Swellness: A chat with Tracy Anderson

Tracy Anderson

A few weeks ago Samsung Canada hosted a workout lead by none other than Tracy Anderson (yes, the fitness trainer that Gwyneth Paltrow works out with) to help launch their Samsung Galaxy S5 and Gear Fit.

The workout was tough…but I have an audio recording of Anderson telling me I did great in the class. Whaaaat?!? I’ll take that, thank you, Tracy!

I grabbed a minute with the fitness guru to ask what misconceptions there are about her workouts:

“It’s about the content and the strategy behind the content. I don’t think that people realize how much my content is supporting science, creating balance within the body. You can work out and create further imbalance in your body if you compartmentalize by isolating muscle groups and and thinking you can spot reduce-this can actually create further imbalance in your body.

The message is about the potential for longevity that they have through fitness, the brain’s connection to their body and using their own body as a form of resistance.

It’s not a trend–that’s one thing that’s tough for me to communicate. I don’t want people flipping through magazines and–I could care less if celebrities come to my gym; if they come, they do and that’s great but I’m  here to speak to people straight about their health, what it really takes to be healthy andwhat it takes to understanding your own body.

So when people are like, ‘I want to look like that person or that person,’ just because they’re in the public eye doesn’t mean that’s the picture of beauty. The picture of beauty is taking care of yourself, knowing yourself, knowing your own biological constraints from food sensitivities to your workout, which is why I did Metamorphosis, which is customized where you can identify, “Wow, I’m out of balance here,’ not ‘This is a problem area,’ but ‘I’m out of balance here so I’m going to do this program here to I can fix it.’

1 Comment June 2, 2014

My crush on Marisa Tomei

So I’m kinda crushing on Marisa Tomei. She’s got a killer bod, a great laugh and smile and she’s just all around adorable. She’s also just released a new workout DVD, Marisa Tomei: Core & Curves and anyone that can complete 100 crunches like she does, smiling all the while, wins my affection.

Despite the name of the DVD, the workout itself comes from New York-based celeb trainer Key Son and it revolves around circuit training and developing the long, lean feminine lines we all crave. Marisa is featured more as just the girl doing the workout (versus being the fitness expert) so doing the workout is a little like attending a personal training session with my new BFF Marisa Tomei. And it’s kind of refreshing to work out “with” her — she gets out of breath (just like I do!) and checks in with Key Son about it being the last rep already (just like I do in my head!).

Core & Curves includes two 30-minute workouts and one 10-minute quickie workout, and let me tell you, these workouts ain’t easy. I completed each one without the Gaiam sculpting band and still felt it in my calves and abs big-time for several days afterward.

But if it gets me anywhere near the shape Marisa was in for The Wrestler (she prepped for the film by working out with Key Son), count me in.

P.S. Did I mention that I got a chance to interview Marisa on the phone? Stay tuned for my story to appear at www.ellecanada.com shortly!

2 Comments March 31, 2010

Power Plate: Workout review

I finally got my butt out to try a Power Plate workout. I’d been dreading it (and thus, procrastinating).

And my verdict?

This workout doesn’t suck. In fact, I like it.

Fans of Power Plate include super svelte celebs such as Jennifer Garner, Heidi Klum and Courtney Cox Arquette. The workout involves this machine (right) which transmits waves of energy through your  body as it subtly vibrates, which activates 25-50 muscle muscle contractions per second in your body. It’s this whopping number of contractions that leads to greater muscle strength, improved circulation and improved performance. All resulting in what seems to be the holy grail of physical fitness (in shorter workout time, to boot): a strong core.

How it works: I worked out for 30 minutes one on one with Sarah Paul of Flex Rx  Studio and she led me through a number of different exercises using the Power Plate, from squats and crunches to balance poses and stretches.

Pros: Get more of a workout in less time, love it. Plus, Sarah’s got an endless number of exercises so you’ll have a different workout every time so you won’t get bored. You also get the benefit of Sarah’s expertise as Flex Rx is Toronto’s only private facility that exclusively offers  one-on-one training on the Power Plate. This also means you can’t slack off as I am sometimes prone to do (Sarah’s sweet…but there’s no skipping reps under her watchful eye!).

And you most certainly work those muscles. I felt that lovely “my muscles got a decent workout” feeling the day after. My favourite part of the workout, though? You don’t sweat like a pig. I hate to sweat, always have. And on the Power Plate, you gradually build up heat internally, so it’s a subtle sweat you get going on.

Cons: The vibration may not be ideal for those with vertigo. But you should be fine if you only occasionally experience motion sickness, as I do — I got through the Power Plate workout without feeling nauseous at all. (During crunches, however, when the vibrating made my vision all shaky, I did kinda feel like I was seeing into an alternate reality à la Agent Olivia Dunham on Fringe — but that was just kinda cool).

I checked in with my beauty blogger buddy Janine Falcon of Beauty Geeks as she’s been doing the Power Plate thing for almost three months. She started with a session once a week but upped it to two when she was suddenly able to do proper crunches. “The workout’s pretty intense although it’s not big movement,” says Janine. “And Sarah is easy to work with, even if she is laughing as she ups the intensity every session.” Janine also loves that it’s a private studio. “So no-one can see me flopping around like an out-of-water whale!”

Intrigued by the Power Plate? Here’s the good news: Health & Swellness has got you the hook up! Health & Swellness readers get two  complimentary 30-minute workout sessions at Flex Rx Studio with Sarah Paul (regular new clients just get one) — just mention this blog when booking your first free session. This way you get to try it out twice before deciding if you want to invest in the $40/session workouts (you save a little if you buy a package of 10 workouts for $350). Let me know how you like it!

Advertisement: Use p90x to get into the best shape of your life.

9 Comments March 1, 2010

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