Tag: essential fatty acids

Healthy Swellness: Neptune OCEANO³ krill oil


There are lots of things I know I should do for my health, but I don’t. Taking omega-3 supplements is one of them. Not that I haven’t tried to add them to my regimen. I have a bottle of krill oil that I got with the good intentions of making sure I was getting essential fatty acids daily, but upon opening the bottle, the overwhelming peculiar odour that wafted out of the bottle just made me shove it away in a cabinet out of reach. And it turned me off completely from trying them again.

Thankfully, I’ve since discovered OCEANO³ krill oil. Just launched by Neptune this fall, OCEANO³ is the result of extensive R&D and the company has created a custom method of extracting the krill oil that is most potent in nutrients. (And based on my experience, they also seem to have crafted a way to create the soft gels sans peculiar odour so wimpy me is able to take them!).

Krill, in case you don’t know, are small crustaceans; these tiny shellfish are at the bottom of the food chain, too, meaning krill is not contaminated with toxins, the way fish can sometimes be. You may have noticed that when hearing about essential fatty acids, it’s usually fish oils that are mentioned but most omega-3 fish oils are a fat-soluble triglyceride form. Omega-3 krill oil is different as it’s a phospholipid form, which means that it can dissolve easily in both fat and water, and this is more beneficial for us as it means we can digest it more easily. Huzzah! Being more easily digested also means less chance of reflux and fishy burps (gross!).

Another benefit of OCEANO³ I like? Since our bodies can use the omega-3s from krill more efficiently than other types, the softgel is small, making it easy to swallow (you may recall I’m also a wimp at taking meds that are large pills; I always get large pills lodged in my throat).

Besides providing the essential fatty acids our bodies need, a nice side benefit to opting for krill oil instead of fish oil is that krill oil is naturally preserved by an antioxidant called astaxanthin, and this antioxidant has been found to be 300 times more potent than vitamins A and E. And when it comes to OCEANO³ in particular, their exclusive extraction process results in not only three times more astaxanthin compared to other brands, but also the highest amount of EPA and DHA.

And if sustainability is of concern — it is for most of us, after all — know that only 0.06 percent of the total krill biomass is harvested annually, making it a highly sustainable fishery option.

I’m thrilled to have found OCEANO³ given that it’s a potent omega-3 krill oil I can easily incorporate into my routine. Bring on the good health, healthy heart and lowered cholesterol LDL levels, to name just a few of the benefits.

To read more about the benefits of OCEANO³, visit www.oceano3.com.


Leave a Comment December 17, 2015

Why you should drink organic milk

A new study from Newcastle University published in the Journal of Dairy Science found that organic milk contains more essential fatty acids than conventional milk–seems like an easy switch to make to get more CLAs and omega-3s in your diet.

(now if only milk were still packaged as quaintly as in the photo above from artist Scott Moore–I think I’d be more inclined to drink more of it…)

4 Comments January 17, 2011

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