Tag: yolo

Healthy Swellness: Let’s talk about break ups

Pink heart meringues Valentine's Day

Breaking up is hard to do. That’s how that song goes, but it is true, wouldn’t you agree?

Even though they can be difficult, they’re sometimes for the better. We often think about break-ups in a negative way, but usually, something good comes out of it. Because ideally, you’re breaking up with something so you can move onto something better in your life.

Think about things you’ve broken up with. I know I’ve had to break up with friends over the years (and the same has happened to me). Perhaps you haven’t been there for one another, and there’ve been hurt feelings, or perhaps you’ve simply grown apart. Sometimes, I think, you’re simply not meant to be in each other’s lives forever, and it’s better to end it and move on.

Breaking up doesn’t just apply to relationships, though. Think about your lifestyle: what you eat or drink, what you wear, your routine from your fitness regimen to sleeping habits, even the contraception you use.

For example, for years I wore high heels every day, even ones that were painful and I felt crippled by evening (sometimes even during my morning commute!). Then a friend warned me how if I continued to do this, I could permanently damage my feet (it’d happened to her mom who was a former model and had worn heels daily, and who’d required surgery on her feet to help with the pain she experienced thanks to her stiletto wear). That was enough to convince me to break up with my daily high-heel habit (now I wear them for much shorter periods of time, I couldn’t break up with them completely…).

As for things in my life now I should break up with? I’m a night owl, which I’ve accepted as how I function best, but I still sacrifice sleep unnecessarily (choosing to surf the net or watch TV even though I know I’d be better off hitting the sack). I do this even though I know it’s bad for my health. Another thing I should say bye-bye-bye to? I can procrastinate like a champ; and each time I find myself working last minute to meet a deadline, I swear “Never again!” Breaking up with this stress of cramming all of my responsibilities until the last possible moment is definitely something I need to do. Will it happen? Outlook is not good…but at least I’ve acknowledged the problem, that’s a start.

How about you? What are some things you should or want to say sayonara to and break up with? If you need some inspiration, you can find loads of it that’s on a happy, positive note of what could be in store for you when you let go of things you should let go of over at breakupandmove.ca)




Leave a Comment March 2, 2015

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