Tag: toning shoes

New Balance TrueBalance review

Lots of you are curious about all of the toning shoes hitting the stores. I heard that one version is flying off shelves, and is backordered in several stores. I’m surprised because, to be honest, I don’t think these toning shoes work.

Actually, let me clarify. I think they meet their claims. In the case of the TrueBalance shoes, your glutes are activated by up to 16% more, hamstrings as well, while your quad muscles experience increased activation of up to 29%.

So yes, those numbers seem convincing but in the big scheme of things, I’m betting that it adds up to a tiny drop in the bucket. Sorry, ladies, I just don’t think any of these toning shoes are what will easily give you that incredibly firm and perky derriere nor the tight, tiny thighs that you’re lead to believe they’ll give you–what most people are dreaming of getting in a snap all thanks to these magical shoes.

(Unless, for example, you’re already very,very close to that physique, in which case by adding more walking to your day to day activities, then these shoes may get you that tiny bit closer to that to-die-for silhouette.)

Think about it: the ads for the toning shoes on the market never show before and after pictures–only the most tone and perfect butts, like, evah.

Did Health & Swellness’s butt and thighs get so firm you could bounce a quarter of of them? As you know, I recently participated in the New Balance Wellness Challenge–30 days of using the shoes along with healthy daily challenges–and, drumroll, please….did my bod change?

Nope. My butt and thigh measurements are exactly the same. Exactly. I don’t have a scientific way of testing firmness but I’d say that hasn’t budged one bit either.

BTW, you don’t actually feel the shoes working when you walk in them. (I think you probably need to be using a more obviously curved sole like those on MBTs to feel greater exertion on the muscles in your legs).

Health & Swellness’s verdict then? OK so even though my butt isn’t outta this world, I’m not totally writing off these toning shoes. Because what I do believe the TrueBalance (and others like it) does do extremely well is get people who don’t walk very much to walk more often, injecting more light physical activity into their every day.

Which is awesome.

So you know what? Just keep calm and walk on.

4 Comments November 16, 2010

Gaining “New Balance” in life

I’m a bit tardy on telling you about the New Balance Wellness Challenge (NBWC) I’ve been taking part in. Today’s day 14 of the 30-Day Challenge. So lemme get you up to speed:

The NBWC ties into the company’s launch of their new TrueBalance toning shoe. The shoes have a soft, flexible sole with a spring system design and rounded bottom. Since you’re walking on an unbalanced platform that accentuates both back and forth and side to side motion, you engage your core and muscles in your legs and glutes with each step you take.

I was hoping I could run in them for an added boost to my runs, but the shoes are designed for day-to-day walking.

Anyhoo, back to the NBWC. Every day I am emailed a new challenge from nutrition and wellness coach Victoria Joanna Bailey.

Some examples of the challenges thus far and my results:

Day 1: Eat only fresh food today, nothing canned, frozen, pre-cooked, packaged or prepared. This one was going pretty well–I cook from scratch often–until I got to the grocery store and was starving and scarfed down a Kit Kat.

Day 5: Commit to 30 minutes of movement today. Ran 6k that day. Daily challenge completed!

Day 6: Practice moderation when it comes to what you eat over the Thanksgiving weekend. Failed this one big time–although I did only read the challenge after attending a friend’s turkey dinner. (OK, I probably still would not have been able to resist piling my plate with turkey, mashed potatoes and all the fixins’).

Day 7: Book a laughter date. Saw a girlfriend I can always count on having a good giggle with and we went to see Easy A. I think that counts for bonus points in the Challenge, no?

As you can see I haven’t been overly successful with the daily challenges, but reading them each day has struck a chord–I’ll find myself pondering at times what are five things I’m grateful for (Day 3’s challenge) or choosing yogurt over a muffin at an event breakfast–so they are working as little nudges to live a more healthily and consciously even if I don’t necessarily accomplish them on the day assigned.

I’ll try to tweet or post other interesting challenges in the final two weeks of the NBWC.

Oh, and as the NBWC continues, I’ll give your more updates and honest feedback on the TrueBalance shoes, too.

6 Comments October 18, 2010

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