Tag: garment care

Sponge worthy

When you cover health sometimes you get sent the most “interesting” (which is to say odd) products to test out. Underwear with extra padding to give you more junk in the trunk (they will give you more curves, but feel funny on), for example, or drops you sprinkle into the toilet before doing a #2 to eliminate any odours (didn’t try them out, in case you’re wondering).

The Original Gal Pal would seem to fall into this gimmicky category–except that it really works well and has helped me more than a few times (like yesterday!). Think of it as a Magic Eraser for your wardrobe. This garment deodorant remover is the only thing I’ve ever tried that successfully removes that pesky streak of deodorant you can get get on your clothes  when getting dressed (especially when pulling on anything body-con). You use it dry and with a few quick swipes, Gal Pal’s special formulation removes the white deodorant mark easily.

If only it worked as well at deleting other things–hangovers, memories of bad dates–now that would truly be magical.

5 Comments July 9, 2010

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