Tag: fast food

Drink O.J. with your fatty meals

Kind of like how the green tea in creme brulee cancels out the fatty, sugary aspects of it (in my mind, anyhow) there’s actual research (by that I mean it’s not just my wonky rationalization!) that shows that drinking orange juice with high-fat, high-carb meals helps make them less unhealthy.

Just published online in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, after eating a 900-calorie meal of egg and sausage muffin and hash browns, those people who drank three cups of orange juice experienced significantly less inflammatory response compared to those who drank water or a water/glucose mix (which means it could prevent heart disease and stroke). Plus, it also produced a protein in the body that disrupts insulin action (insulin action that is tied to insulin resistance, which is considered the origin of type 2 diabetes). 

(and 900 calories in my favourite fast-food breakast. Whoa.)

2 Comments March 22, 2010

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