Tag: dessert

Sweet swellness: Glory Hole Doughnuts

If you like fancy schmancy doughnuts, make your way over to Glory Hole Doughnuts. The cute doughnut shop just opened up this past weekend in Parkdale. I popped in on the first day and they had only two flavours left (it was close to the end of the day): banana cream pie and lemon meringue. I opted for the banana cream pie ($4.20). It’s the kind of doughnut you need to be alone to eat — it’s ginormous so it’s a bit messy — alas, the only seating is at the front window where everyone on the streetcar can watch as you get whipped cream on your nose as you bite into the oversized sweets.

The doughnut was good — you’d have to be a fan of whipped cream, for sure, except it was much too large — the one doughnut easily could’ve been three servings for me. It’s a pretty darn decadent doughnut — I don’t tend to feel guilty about treats I have, but even this made me feel a bit bad (I was relieved I’d run that morning and had a long training run the next day!). Also, there was no saving any leftovers (or taking one of the lemon meringue to go) as single doughnuts are served in an open cardboard boat (no way for me to trek by foot with that!).

I’ll just have to stroll on back to try other flavours then…

Glory Hole Doughnuts, 1596 Queen St. W., Toronto, 416-420-5169

1 Comment August 29, 2012

Screen time

Those hours you spend poring over clothing on Net-A-Porter and Gilt may bring about having to order a bigger clothing size–and not just thanks to being sedentary.

It seems that time in front of your computer screen can make you crave chocolate, says new research from the University of Copenhagen. The women in the study who did a task on a computer consumed an extra 230 calories compared to women who just kicked back during the same amount of time. The researchers believe that the mental stress of the computer work may trigger changes in blood sugar and hormone levels that trick the brain into thinking it has worked off lots of calories that need replaced.

1 Comment July 16, 2010

The Reluctant Runner

A snippet of my internal monologue on Friday evening:

I should go for a run now, just a short 6k.

But I’m kind of hungry and it is dinner time. But if I eat dinner now then I’ll have to wait a bit before I head out to run, and then it’ll be dark and I don’t like running alone at night.

So I should just have a snack and then run, and have a late dinner.

But I don’t have anything proper to snack on.

So forget about running tonight, I’ll just go for a run tomorrow!

But will I really go for a run tomorrow? Yes, yes, I definitely will because I’m going to skip my run tonight so I’ll have to go tomorrow to make up for it.

But I wanted to give my eyes a break from contact lenses this weekend, and there’s no way I’m running with glasses on. So I really should run now.

But I really am hungry now, and a little tired. So why don’t I just eat dinner and run tomorrow?

Oh yeah, I wasn’t planning on wearing my contact lenses tomorrow…

And on and on it (or rather I) went, probably for about 10 minutes or so.

And in the end, what did I do? I went out for a run, reluctantly, after chowing down on a handful of tortilla chips and guacamole (I really didn’t have any proper pre-run snacks around!).

But in all honesty? The thing that really got me to pull on my runners and head out for a run? The fact that I had this maple bacon (yes, that’s bacon sprinkled on top!) cupcake from For the Love of Cake to eat that night for dessert.

And it was soo worth it.

6 Comments July 7, 2010

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