Tag: cocoa

Chocolate, better than super fruits?


Oh, this is going to make you chocoholics out there happy. Coincidentally, these findings were conducted by the Hershey Center for Health and Nutrition and come just in time with Valentine’s Day next week:

Dark chocolate and cocoa contains more antioxidants, polyphenols and flavanols than fruit juice, according to new research published in Chemistry Central Journal.

1 Comment February 8, 2011

sponsored post: Choc it up — for FREE. Nestlé Chocolate Giveaway!

Every month or so, there’s new research stating how chocolate is good for you. And it always makes me sad. Why? Because the health findings are always about dark chocolate. And as much as I’ve tried (and tried and tried–I keep hoping my tastebuds will perhaps one day just do a 180) I’m just not a fan of dark chocolate. I mean, when will the research come out that Kit Kats are good for you? I”m waiting, researcher people! Alas, I have a feeling I’ll be waiting a long, long time.

The reason? Dark chocolate is much higher in cocoa content than milk chocolate, making it rich in antioxidants and flavanols, which studies have linked to everything from lowering blood pressure to reducing stress hormones.

That said, if you, like me, prefer milk chocolate, treat yourself. Every diet expert will tell you that you shouldn’t deprive yourself of what you love. Everything in moderation, ladies.

So when Nestlé asked me to taste test their new premium line of milk chocolate bars, Nestlé Noir Milk Chocolate, my answer? Hellz yeah!

There are three varieties: Supérieur, Noisette and Nougat. I ripped open Supérieur and snapped off a square. Before popping it into my mouth, I noticed a non-uniform texture and I thought the bar had melted and gotten deformed, but then realized that this was a wavy texture the chocolate had been moulded into.

“Cool. They’ve created an ergonomic little divet for my fingers, perfect for pinching the piece of chocolate,” I thought. But then I read the packaging and press release (Note to self: probably a good idea to read a press release before devouring the product, Karen!) and got schooled: the folks at Nestlé in Switzerland conducted studies and found the the shape and texture of the chocolate influences enjoyment so this nifty new texture is meant to complement one’s palate.

Neat, well, sorta. Cuz in reality? As much as I initially thought the ergonomic little divet was handy, glutton that I am, that thin side where the chocolate dips down kinda makes me feel like I’m getting cheated of chocolate (I’m all about sheer weight, baby, the more grams of chocolate, the better…).

Did I notice that the waves made it more pleasing to my palate? Not so much, to be honest. But visually, it did make me picture the creamy waves of chocolate as it was being prepared by Swiss chocolatiers, which made the bars seem kinda classier than the candy bar I’d typically be eating.

Anyhoo, my fave of the three new bars? It’s a tie between the Supérieur–sooo super smooth and creamy–and the Noisette–I love me some hazelnuts. Don’t get me wrong, Nougat is nice but the sticky little bits of honey seem to interfere with the creamy chocolate goodness (not to mention get stuck in your teeth). And the nougat bits seem to take it into candy bar territory–now I’m no chocolate snob–gimme a good ol’ Chunky any day–but if I’m shelling out $3.99, I want chocolate to be the star.

Hold up, what’s this? I just found this recent research that states that European chocolate contains much higher cocoa concentration that that made in the U.S. And Nestlé Noir Milk Chocolate is all made in Switzerland. So maybe this milk chocolate indeed has more flavanols and antioxidants than the average bar (can you tell I’ve got my fingers crossed on finding some sort of health excuse to eat this chocolate??). On my to-do list: check in with Nestlé about the cocoa content and any health research they conducted on these tablets.


Now, on YOUR to-do list–that’s right, I’m giving you homework. Don’t worry–it involves getting FREE CHOCOLATE and eating it. Easy peasy. Nestlé has given Health & Swellness 20 packages of their new Nestlé Noir Milk Chocolate to give away. The first 20 peeps to email me at healthandswellness@gmail.com with their mailing addresses and phone numbers will receive all three varieties to enjoy (please put “chocolate” in the subject line). The only stipulation? You gotta live in Canada. And only one package per household—ie. Don’t hog all the chocolate by emailing me 20 times with different names.

And the only thing you’ll owe me? Your honest to goodness reactions to the chocolate, which I’ll post at a later date. Would you choose to eat this chocolate over having sex? (or perhaps use it to enhance your sex life, that’s what an Italian study has found). Did it help perk up a miserable day? Is it the best chocolate you’ve ever had? Or just so-so? Did you eat it all in one shot? Did it make you break out? Has it changed your life??

Let me know how you like or dislike it–if you don’t, remember, I’ll know where you live. 🙂

10 Comments August 31, 2010

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