Tag: birth control

Healthy Swellness: Is it time for you to break up and move onto something new?


I’m terrible with breaking up with anything; I’m the first to admit that. I’ll only remember the good times in a relationship (when it likely ended for a good reason). I tend to hoard everything from clothes to beauty products, and that’s even when the clutter gives me anxiety. I tend to not break up with people or things until it gets to, well, a breaking point and I can’t take it not a second longer. (Note to self: stop bottling everything up)

A much healthier approach would be to let go and be proactive about filling your life with better experiences and things rather than just sticking to the same old routine and habits just because it’s the way things are and the way things have been. Why stick to the status quo when there could be even more for you out there in life?

Yes, that might mean having a difficult conversation with that former bestie who’s become such a drain on you (so much so you’ve been avoiding her). It could  mean having to resist texting back that ex-boyfriend whenever he reaches out to you, even though talking to him makes you sad. It might call for enlisting the help of a pro to assist you in decluttering your life or your closet, all to make room in your life for better things.

It may also call for a little bit of research so you can look into at what’s newer on the market that might suit you and your lifestyle even more than whatever you’ve simply been sticking to “just ’cause.” For example, have you been taking the birth control pill for years, refilling that prescription annually with your doctor every year? It’s been doing what you need it to do, and you’re fine with that, but should “fine” be enough? Could there be something else out now that would be even better suited to your needs? You may very well choose to stick to what you know, but consider at least exploring the options to make sure you’re making the best choice for you. Talk to your GP, of course, and you can also find more information about rethinking your birth control choices at www.birthcontrolforme.ca.

(And by the way, as for that ex-boyfriend, chances are, you should cut him off. I’m guessing that there’s likely a good reason you guys aren’t together anymore, right?)

For more inspiration, visit www.BreakUpAndMove.ca.



Leave a Comment March 30, 2015

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