Tag: yum

Foodie Swellness: Palo Popcorn

Palo Popcorn

Last week I was in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, and I had a tough time convincing anyone that Quebec makes as good cheese curds as Wisconsin.

The cheesy goodness I fell in love with while in the ol’ badger state, though, that I’ll say they make better than us in Canada (granted I have not done a coast to coast search for the best of the best in this category…)? Palo Popcorn, the white cheddar version.

We actually tried it during a wine tasting at Vintage Elkhart Lake (it was paired with a Pinot  Grigio, I believe) and the girl next to me took a kernel and blurted out, “Oh my gawd, that’s so good!” I thought she was exaggerating…but then I tried it.

This fluffy popcorn is so intensely white cheddar flavoured — and its incredible taste is due to two things (I chatted with someone from the company):

  1. It’s not air popped but rather popped in coconut oil.
  2. The white cheddar on the popcorn is made with real cheddar cheese (not artificial flavourings and whatnot).

I couldn’t bear with the thought of not having access to more of this Palo Popcorn, so I came home with two bags of it (thankfully, I wasn’t questioned at customs on the way back — although, I doubt they count as “dairy,” right?). Sadly, I’m down to about a third of a bag.

Must make my way back to Wisconsin, I guess! (Or order some online next time I find myself south of the border)


Leave a Comment June 20, 2014

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