Tag: vision

Shady business

File this under “I-should-know-better”:

On long runs, I make sure to slap on some sunscreen (current favourite is the new Climatik Outdoor Protective Lotion from Marcelle — hey, if it’s good enough for Olympic Gold Medallist Jennifer Heil, then it’s good enough for regular ol’ weekend-warrior me). It comes in a sleek little tube (slim enough to tuck into my hydration belt so I can reapply while out working up a sweat — the downside is that at only 50 mL, I go through a tube pretty darn quickly) and its formulation was developed to handle the extreme variations of our lovely Canadian climate. 

And yet while I make sure to slather on UV protection, I don’t wear sunglasses on my run.

Come to think of it, a lot of the runners I see aren’t sporting shades either. Learning about the potential dangers to the eyes from UV exposure is enough to get me to change my ways, though. My next gear investment will most definitely be a pair of running sunglasses — I’m kinda digging this pair called Forsake from Oakley.

4 Comments April 14, 2010

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