Tag: Sephora Instant Nail Polish Remover for Glitter

Beauty Swellness: Sephora Instant Nail Polish Remover for Glitter

Sephora Instant Nail Polish Remover for Glitter

Have you ever skipped wearing glitter nail polish because it’s such a pain to remove? I know, total first-world beauty problems. But it is a pain, is it not? After a particularly stubborn, refused-to-budge glitter polish two years ago (I may have put on three heavy coats of it), I’ve pretty much steered clear of glitter; I swear it took longer to remove than watching an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians (or do those episodes just feel painfully long?).

But with the holidays here and needing a little bit of pretty cheer, I broke out some gold polish and glitter (Essie Jiggle Hi Jiggle Lo and Essie Top of the Rock) and then to remove it, I gave the Sephora Instant Nail Polish Remover for Glitter ($11) a whirl. You dip your finger into the foam and it removes your polish and glitter — that’s what it promises.

And it does work pretty well. I found some of the big flecks of glitter of Top of the Rock more stubborn and I chose to remove the last bits with a cotton pad and remover instead (but the product might’ve come off had I dipped a little longer), but it definitely made the glitter-removing task way easier.

And so, I’m welcoming back glitter into my life! Glitter on.

Leave a Comment December 30, 2014

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